Wednesday, September 05, 2018

07:00 Conference Counter opens


08:00 Opening of the Exhibition | Welcome Coffee served | Find your Panel Session


08:30 Conference Continues with Panel Sessions B1 - B7

Panel B1: Information and Knowledge Management

Panel B2: Innovation, Research and Development

Panel B3: Education, Training & Simulation

Panel B4: Point Detection

Panel B5: Protection (Filtration)

Panel B6: Decontamination and Disinfection II

Panel B7: Bio-Defence and Medical Countermeasures


10:30 Coffee Break | Exhibition | Poster Sessions


Resilience of the Society


11:00 Introduction by the Session Chairwoman

Friederike Dahns, German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Head of Division for Population Development and Demographic Studies and Chair of NATO Civil Protection Group 


11:10 Resiliency – Basic Concept for Civil Protection and Disaster-Risk-Management (13 Questions and Answers from a German Perspective)

Giulio Gullotta, Head of Directorate Science and Technology, Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance 


11:35 Resilience - a Scientific Perspective

Prof. Dr. Shinichi Egawa, Division of International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University, Japan


12:00 Discussion Round

Resilience of Society in the Context with National CBRN Threats and Hazards



Dr. Marcus Pindur, Deutschlandradio



Giulio Gullotta, Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance 

Prof. Dr. Shinichi Egawa, Tohoku University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Francesco D’Errico, Yale University, USA

Marc Finaud, Arms Proliferation Cluster Leader, Geneva Centre for Security Policy


13:00 Luncheon | Exhibition | Poster Sessions


Prevention: Paradigm Change in CBRN Protection


14:30 Introduction by the Session Chairman

Colonel (GS) Hans-Christian Hettfleisch, German Federal Ministry of Defence, Chief of Branch Forces Policy II 2


14:40 The Correlation between Prevention, Reaction and Rehabilitation in Civil Protection

Jan-Olof Lind, Director General, Swedish Defence Research Agency


15:05 Disablement of Weapons of Mass Destruction: How NATO Takes Into Account the Paradigm Change 

Colonel (U.S. Air Force) Anthony Stroup, Chief Nuclear & CBRN Defence Policy Branch, NATO International Military Staff, Policy & Capabilities Division 

Lt. Colonel Bernd Allert, Chief of Concepts and Doctrines Section, Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence   


15:30 Population Growth, Urbanization, Climate Change – Global Trends and their Implications on Security Research

Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Lauster, Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis INT


15:55 Conclusions | Farewell


16:10 End of the Conference