Please click here to sign up as a Visitor

The conference is open for members of the armed forces, police forces, the civil services, the parliaments and ministries, embassies, academia and business. The following categories are avaiable in 2018:

Category A) Armed Forces, Police, THW, Fire Brigades, Embassies, Ministries, Parliaments

Category B) Research, University, Institutions, others

Category C) Industries

Conference Rates: 

AttendanceIce-Breaker / 2x Lunch / Dinner
Category A)       45,00 €16,81 € each or 50,42 € Catering Package
Category B)     220,00 €included
Category C)  1.190,00 €included

Discounts for Category B 

Early Bird until June 01, 2018    200,00 €
Speaker  -50%

Discounts for Category C 

Early Bird until June 01, 2018  990,00
Speaker  -50%
Exhibitor  -20%
Exhibitor "exhibition only"  -70%
Exhibitor included ticket-100%